24 Following

Sandra Gustafsson

Thriller novelist based in Stockholm, Sweden.

Author of Seared, The Rival and Skinless.





I´m doing the last check on Hudlös before print.

I wrote the first chapter in 2012, but then came another book, The Rival, in between.


I still yearn for the hammock and my pile of books I intend to read this summer.


Say what?



No no.

All work. (And gardening and so on.)

All work again

I´m editing and have not found the peace to read anything else but my own script. But - all this books I´ve bought this winter and spring is on my to-read-list. Looking forward to it! Me, the hammock and all the books.


So, my birthday was nice. I got my pancakes, a red rose, and then I cleaned my desk (my book is finished, it´s time to make some space for new notes) and after that I made pizza for the family. And today is a new day.

I´m done



This, my friends, is my next book. I'm done editing.

Time to take this down. #amwriting #amediting

Yeah yeah

 I´m alive - back soon.


#amediting #amwriting

Things that make me go hmmm

One thing I brooded on: my naprapath asked me to put on shorts for next weeks appointment, because there will be stretching, bending and kneading .


I am nearly 43 years old - SHORTS ?

Where can I even buy this things?

When nothing goes right, go left.

Well, I was right. It is ITBS.

So no running for me next 8 or so weeks.



Anyway - I´m having my e-book for free today (and tomorrow, yay).  

When you got flow. Or not.

I had a "weird feeling" in my right knee after the last training session last week. No pain, just a feeling. So I rested four days and then ran 10 km today .

It was completely unreal perfect.

I had flow.  I HAD FLOW.

And suddenly the "weird feeling" was OUCH .

After a quick Google diagnosis I think this probably is ITBS.

I´m seeing a naprapath tomorrow, because I can´t walk downhills and stairs etc.


(Maybe I just have to sit down and read a book?)


This weekend was all about boats, reading (loved the lighthouse), rain, gardens, neighbors, red wine and ice hockey.

The lighthouse

I really haven't had so much quality time for reading, a page here and there and I don´t like it. I want to READ.

So today I´ll start with The lighthouse by Alison Moore.


The thing about running is the meditative aspect.
I think of nothing.
I just run. 
(Sort of the same thing when I practiced Ashtanga yoga.) 
Yesterday I ran 5,4 km and in the evening I had a strange feeling in my right knee. 
That feeling today: pain in my right knee. No running today then. Just me, coffee and the next book.

Another book release

This evening I celebrated Simona Ahrnstedt and her fifth book En enda hemlighet. 
(She´s sort of The Queen of Romance in Sweden.)
In the pic: Simona, me, Susanne and Anne.

First day

Yesterday it was release day for Seared (ebook + paperback) in english and this morning I got a message telling me that five people in US bought the paperback and two the ebook.
That´s a start! Thank you! 
I feel like doing the balloon dance!

New book release!


Today is the day when my first thriller Seared is released in english. 
Want to buy?
Here you go.
Want to enter a giveaway for a chance to win?
Then this is the place to click.

And this!

Now I´m going to celebrate!

All work

Last Friday, I was just about to go to a big party* that Carin Gerhardsen had to celebrate her eight crime novel, but my head was totally preoccupied with two things: re-writing the last page in Hudlös and making the last changes in Seared before the release  tomorrow.
So I didn´t go to that party. 
I stayed home and worked and it was the right choice - all my work is done. 

*I heard it was a fabulous party.